Pues aquí una pequeña ayuda :)
#!/bin/bash ############################################ # SCRIPT CREATED BY: Laura Mora i Aubert # # SCRIPT DATE: 2015-07-05 # # WEBSITE: https://blackhold.nusepas.com # # INFO: Script that allows remote backup # # of Mikrotik Routers. # # tested on 5.x & 6.x routers # # LICENSE: creative commons (by:sa) # ############################################ ############################################ # INSTRUCTIONS # ############################################ # # # 1. Generate ssh-keys on your server # # cd ~/.ssh # # sh-keygen -t dsa # # # # 2. Rename pubkey # # cp .ssh/id_dsa.pub backupkey # # # # 3. Put the file on MKT Router # # ftp x.x.x.x # # ftp> bin # # ftp> put backupkey # # ftp> bye # # # # 4. Import pubkey in MKT Router # # telnet x.x.x.x # # [admin@mikrotik] /user ssh-keys # # import user=admin # # public-key-file=backupkey # # # # 5. Access with ssh to the MKT Router # # # # 6. [SCRIPT] Change USER and ID values # # # # 7. Run the script! # # # ############################################ ############################################ # OTHERS # ############################################ # # # If you have bruteforce login rules, # # add your backup server IP in the last # # rule: src-address=!SERVERIP # # # ############################################ # Change username USER=admin BACKUP_DIR="/root/backups/" if [ ! -d "${BACKUP_DIR}" ]; then mkdir -p ${BACKUP_DIR} fi cd ${BACKUP_DIR} ############################################ # Keep this structure, take care of the : # # Increment the "n" with a number # # ID[n]="RouterName:IPAddress:Port" #…