
WAJIG(1)                                                              WAJIG(1)

wajig – Simplified command line administrator for Debian

wajig [options] commands…

This manual page briefly documents the wajig command.

wajig packages into one tool many commands useful for managing a Debian
system. Instead of having to remember whether to use dpkg or apt-get or
apt-cache,  etc,  wajig  does the selection of the appropriate tool for

wajig is a user command but will use sudo  to  run  commands  requiring
super user permissions.

The       primary       documentation       is      available      from

This program follows the usual  GNU  command  line  syntax,  with  long
options  starting  with  two dashes (`-‘).  A summary of options to get
you started is included below.  For more details see wajig commands.

-h, –help
Show summary.

Show version of program.

This   manual   page   was   written   by   Graham    Williams    <Gra‐
ham.Williams@togaware.com>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be
used by others).

November 19, 2004                      WAJIG(1)

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